Blog design created with Project 2011 from Isabel Mendez (Crisdam Designs)

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Day 9 of 365 - Lets go to the park

I've had a wonderful Sunday xx

I know its late for posting, but better late than never - I had a nap this afternoon and spent a lovely evening snuggled up in fron of the TV

We took Ty to the park early afternoon and he rode his bike there I got some great photos of him, Tim and me but I just had to share a photo of Ty on his bike - I took 164 photos over the park today LOL so plenty of scrapping material for layouts xx

Frame by Redu
Date tag by Isabel Mendez


  1. Awww he looks so grown up on his bike!! Beautiful picture hun!

  2. It's a great picture!! And aren't these days just the best ones ;)

    ps Always good to have scrapping material!

  3. Cute! Glad you had a good day!!

  4. Great photo hun - he looks so grown up, bless him! xx

  5. Beautiful weather for a walk in the park, by the looks of things. CAn't wait to see the other 163 pictures :o)
