Blog design created with Project 2011 from Isabel Mendez (Crisdam Designs)

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Day 6 of 365 - Back to work !!

I know todays post is quite late in the evening (GMT timezone here)

this would be becuase today was my first day back a work since the twenty-something of December

I thought I'd grab a snap of my desk and my part of the office.

I kept the blinds shut today as the weather was awlful - lots of rain Eeuuggghhhh

Oh well my weekend starts now as I wont be back in the office till Monday. I love working just 2 days a week - enough to keep me sane and feel like an adult but also perfect for being an almost full time stay at home Mum. I love my little man !!!


  1. Ah, the desk is still pretty clean. Wonder what it looks like when you're back into the rhythm again :D

    And yes, we had a pretty awful rainy day here as well.

  2. Auwww shucks!! But at least you have a lovely long weekend until work again xxx

  3. Your work days are nicely spaced out to get a nice break in between!! Lovely picture, my desk at home is way more cluttered than that!

  4. Great photo hun....we've had rain here all day too! That desk looks pretty clean...methinks not too much work getting done there ha ha ha!! xx

  5. Hope your first day back was a good one! Rainy and grey here, too.

  6. We have ice rain here, really dangerous with all the snow that is still around!
    Have a great long weekend
